Fintech Summit



24 April 2025


Amman, Jordan



قمة الاردن للتكنولوجيا المالية التي تقام في 24 نيسان / ابريل 2025  عمان، والتي تجمع 300+ محترف من قطاع التكنولوجيا المالية، وانظمة المدفوعات، وقطاع البنوك، وتجارة التجزئة، والتجارة الإلكترونية، وشركات التكنولوجيا، والشركات الناشئة والمستثمرين لمناقشة أحدث الابتكارات والتحديات والاتجاه المستقبلي لهذه الصناعة.

تعد قمة التكنولوجيا المالية منصة فريدة للحضور والشركات الناشئة والمستثمرين وقادة الصناعة للتواصل والاستفادة من سوق التكنولوجيا المالية المتنامي في المنطقة والمشاركة في سلسلة من حلقات النقاش والعروض التقديمية و فرص التواصل وتبادل الأفكار حول الاتجاهات الناشئة والأطر التنظيمية والإمكانيات المستقبلية.

وسيتضمن الحدث مناقشات حول مجموعة من الموضوعات المهمة في صناعة التكنولوجيا المالية ، بما في ذلك “بناء اقتصادات المستقبل ، واستكشاف كيف تعمل التكنولوجيا على إعادة تشكيل القطاع المالي و المصرفي، من الخدمات المصرفية الرقمية إلى ابتكار انظمة الدفع والمحافظ الرقمية.

Fintech Summit Middle East will be taking place on 24 April 2025, in Amman, Jordan, bringing together 300+ professionals from across the fintech, payments, banking, retail, e-commerce, tech firms, fintech startups and investors to discuss the latest innovations, challenges and the future direction of the industry.

Fintech Summit Middle East will offer a unique platform for attendees, startups, investors, and industry leaders to participate in a series of panel discussions, fireside chats, networking opportunities and exchange ideas on emerging trends, regulatory frameworks, future possibilities and capitalize on the growing Fintech market in region.

The event will feature discussions on a range of important industry topics, including ‘Building the Economies of the Future, Explore how technology is reshaping the banking sector, from digital banking services to blockchain-based solutions, Payment Innovation: Discuss the evolution of payment systems, including mobile payments, & contactless transactions, E-commerce Revolution: Delve into the vibrant e-commerce landscape, covering topics like online marketplaces and customer experience enhancement. heading element

Fintech Summit Middle East

These key highlights offer a glimpse into the exciting opportunities and experiences awaiting attendees. Join us to be part of this premier event for valuable insights, networking opportunities, and recognition for fintech excellence.

Conference Sessions

Engage with industry experts, thought leaders, and innovators in dynamic conference sessions covering a wide range of topics such as digital banking, open banking/finance, digital payments, financial inclusion & emerging trends in the fintech landscape.

Media Presence

Experience media coverage across leading local and regional publications. Engage with media, influencers and media outlets covering the latest insights from the fintech industry. Amplify your message to a global audience through our strategic media partnerships.

Peacock Awards

Celebrate excellence & innovation in the fintech sector at the prestigious Peacock Awards ceremony. Recognize outstanding achievements and groundbreaking initiatives across various categories.

Why Attend

  • Industry Insights: Gain a deep understanding of the latest trends, innovations, and challenges in banking, payments, government tech, e-commerce & retail.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with industry leaders, startups, investors & experts, fostering partnerships, idea exchange, and opportunities to propel your fintech endeavors forward.
  • Investment Prospects: Explore investment opportunities in the dynamic tech sectors shaping the Middle East's future.
  • Innovation Showcase: Discover cutting-edge technologies & solutions that can revolutionize your business.
  • Practical Knowledge: Acquire actionable insights and best practices to implement in your organization, driving growth and innovation.
  • Engage with Emerging Markets: Understand the challenges and opportunities in developing financial markets in the region.

Who will be there?

Fintech Summit Middle East is your gateway to understanding and shaping the future of these pivotal sectors in the Middle East. Join us in driving innovation and transformation in banking, payments, e-commerce & retail.
  • Finance Professionals: From banking executives to financial institution leaders, to fintech and financial experts.
  • Business Leaders: Executives, entrepreneurs, and decision-makers in banking, payments, government, e-commerce, and retail sectors.
  • Investors: Venture capitalists, angel investors, and private equity firms seeking promising opportunities in the Middle East tech landscape.
  • Policy Makers and Regulators: Government officials and economic policymakers involved in financial technology and digital transformation initiatives to discuss the impact of fintech on the economy.
  • Entrepreneurs: Entrepreneurs looking for opportunities to develop their fintech ideas and investment.
  • Data Analysts and Security: Those interested in financial data analysis and cybersecurity.
  • Tech Firms: Working on fintech applications and solutions.

Below you'll find the schedule for Fintech Summit Middle East. We'll keep this page regularly updated with all new speakers and sessions, so be sure to keep checking in!

Wednesday, June 05, 2024


08:30 AM – 10:00 AM

Networking & Registration

10:00 AM – 10:15 AM

Chair’s Opening Remarks

Ayman Irshaid
Founder & CEO, moments
10:15 AM – 10:30 AM

Guest of Honor Speech

HE Mr. Ahmad Al Hanandeh
Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship

Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship of Jordan

10:30 AM – 11:30 AM

PANEL DISCUSSION: "Tech-Driven Transformation: The Future of Banking and Payments"

Kickstart the summit with an inspiring panelists, setting the stage for discussions on how technology is reshaping the banking and payments landscape in the Middle East.

  • Why is the banking landscape facing a period of such rapid transformation
  • What major trends do you anticipate will shape the future of payments?
  • How do we see the payments industry evolving over the next five years?
  • Is the decline of cash and increasing reliance on digital approaches a threat or opportunity for banks?
  • how banks extend beyond traditional services to offer tailored solutions and forge innovative partnerships that drive growth and impact.
  • Bringing open banking to Jordan: where are the greatest opportunities?
  • Areej Obiedat, General Manager, CRIF Information Technology Solutions
  • Hani Khalil, Chief Digital and Innovation Officer, Capital Bank of Jordan
  • Muhannad Ebwini, Founder and CEO, HyperPay
  • Amjad Al-Sadeq, Regional President – Levant, Network International
11:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Networking Coffee break

12:00 AM – 12:30 PM

Innovative Technological Solutions for Cash Disbursement: A Deep Dive into Biometric Systems and Digital Wallets

  • Dr. Ashraf Bany Mohammed, Vice Dean, University of Jordan
  • Heba Azazieh, Cash-based Interventions Officer, UNHCR
  • Dr. Alaa Ensheiwat, Chief Executive Officer, UWallet Jordan
  • Mahmoud Sahmoud, Head Of Architecture & Solutions, IrisGuard UK Ltd
12:30 PM – 12:45 PM

Where AI & Fintech Meet

Ahmad Dabbas, VP Commercial,
12:45 PM – 01:00 PM

KEYNOTE: The Payments Trifecta:

Classical Payment Means, Instant Payments, and CBDCs – Who will actually move the needle and reshape the Payment Landscape, or will it be AI racing for impact?

Nicolas Freitag, Senior Transformation Manager, CORE
01:00 PM – 01:15 PM

KEYNOTE: Beyond e-wallet solutions.

Ramzi Saboury, CEO, Arab World Technologies
01:15 PM – 01:30 PM

Unveiling the Future: Exploring the Power of Buy Now, Pay Later

Lewa Abukhait, Chief Strategy Officer, Tajpay
01:30 PM – 02:30 PM

Lunch Networking Break

02:30 PM – 04:30 PM


Understanding Open Banking
Technology Infrastructure for Open Banking
Building Partnerships in Open Banking

Amjad Al-Sadeq, Regional President Levant, Network International

"Open Banking and the Rise of Personalised Finance". Discover the expanding landscape of financial services seamlessly integrated into customer experiences.

Sheikh Nayab Karim, Business Development Manager, Strands (A CRIF Company)

Case Studies and Success Stories

Areej Obiedat, General Manager, CRIF Information Technology Solutions
06:00 pm – 07:30 pm
07:30 pm – 10:00 pm

Peacock Awards Ceremony


Peacock Awards Gala-Dinner Ceremony


The Fintech Summit Middle East has a variety of ticket types. Find out the best option for you and your team!




Includes access to a full day of talks with lovely lunch and plenty of coffee

Book Now
  • Regular Seating Yes
  • Entrance all Sessions Yes
  • 2 x Coffee Breaks Yes
  • Lunch Yes
  • Gala-Dinner Yes




Includes access to a full day of talks with a lovely lunch and plenty of coffee

Book Now
  • Regular Seating Yes
  • Entrance all Sessions Yes
  • 2 x Coffee Breaks Yes
  • Lunch Yes
  • Gala-Dinner Yes




Includes access to a full day of talks with a lovely lunch and plenty of coffee

Book Now
  • Regular Seating Yes
  • Entrance all Sessions Yes
  • 2 x Coffee Breaks Yes
  • Lunch Yes
  • Gala-Dinner Yes

We wouldn't be able to host our conference without help from these amazing companies. A huge thanks to all our sponsors and partners!

Strategic Partner

Diamond Partner

PLatinum Partners

Gold Partners

Knowledge Partners

Media Partners

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Discover new products and possibilities

Fintech Oman Summit is a series of our Fintech Summit Middle East, the MENA’s most influential & engaging conference for the market leading industry players, all looking to procure and collaborate with the latest tech and services on the market.

  • See cutting-edge demos.
  • Hear expert advice.
  • Connect with people who can help you take it to the new heights.
  • Beyond the sessions and discussions. Best of our fintech summit.

    Networking at our Fintech Summit is built right into the schedule and even into some of the sessions. From early morning networking walks to the amazing evening events, there’s plenty of opportunity to connect with fellow experts.